
Posts Tagged ‘Vuvuzela’

I’m not real sure exactly what “Meat Mania” entails and I probably don’t want to know either.

Honestly, we’re just happy that, apparently, Kroger is not allowed to say “Footlong Meat Mania”.

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Over the past few weeks we’ve received numerous inquiries into our stance on “The World’s Biggest Bee Hive” aka The World Cup.

For the record, The LOPG is all about that foreign game. We have to love it. “The Worldwide Leader in Hype” aka “The 4 Letter Network” aka “ESPN” says so.

And really, what’s not to like?

It’s called The World Cup even though the trophy looks nothing like a cup. That’s pretty cool.

If players screw up, they and their family members are kidnapped and killed when they return home. That’s pretty cool.

The wonderful people of South Africa blow those beautiful vuvuzelas constantly to give me something to be annoyed by other than the “nil-nil” score. That’s very cool.

Almost every “match” is a “draw”. That’s the same as Fun, Fair, Positive Soccer. Way cool.

The officials screwed the U.S. That’s pretty cool, too.

The commentators on America’s ESPN have such heavy accents that I think I’m watching a foreign broadcast. We really think that is cool.

No one (except the official, I guess) knows exactly how much time is left in the game. Fuckin’ cool!

The clock counts up and not down. This causes most people (who can’t do math without a calculator) headaches. Now, that is cool.

So, just to set the record straight, we love The World Cup and, NO, we don’t think the rest of the world is fucking ignorant for wanting to watch 22 men chase a ball for 90 (give or take) minutes, grab their nutsacks or noses every time their is the appearance of contact and worry for their lives if they lose.

We think it’s all bueno.

In fact, we’ve added a “LOPG at The World Cup” link to our “League Links” so you can browse our blog with that South African feel!

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